First, you need to register on CLEF website at:
Second, you need to join the mailing list for the Task(s) you are interested in.
This year, the lab organizes two tasks:
The lab schedule is the following:
- Lab registration opened: November 2019
- Data release begins: December 2019 (see task specific pages for details)
- Participant result submissions: task 1: **10 May 2020 at 23:55 GMT** / task 2: **8 May 2020 at 23:55 GMT**
- Results released: May-June 2020 (see task specific pages for details)
- Participants’ working notes papers submitted [CEUR-WS]: 17 July 2020
- Notification of Acceptance Participant Papers [CEUR-WS]: 14 August 2020
- Camera Ready Copy of Participant Papers [CEUR-WS] due: 28 August 2020
- CLEFeHealth2020 one-day lab session: **ONLINE 22-25 September **